Invitation to photographic exhibition #IBelong - Ending Statelessness by 2024
Lawyers for Human Rights, in partnership with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre and Constitution Hill, would like to invite you to the opening of the photographic exhibition I Belong – Ending Statelessness by 2024.
Today at least 10-million people globally are stateless – they are told that they don’t belong anywhere. They are fighting for the same basic human rights that most of us take for granted. Often they are excluded from cradle to grave – being denied a legal identity when they are born, access to education, health care, marriage and job opportunities during their lifetime and even the dignity of a official burial and a death certificate when they die. Many pass on the curse of statelessness on to their children, who then pass it on to the next generation. The irony is that these people find themselves stateless through no fault of their own – and in most cases their condition could be resolved through minor changes in existing laws.
Date: Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Time: 18:30 for 19:00
Venue: Old Fort Mess Hall, Constitution Hill, Braamfontein, Johannesburg (secure parking available)
RSVP: shirley [at] jhbholocaust [dot] co [dot] za or call (011) 640 3100/2148
Refreshments will be served before the event
The exhibition will be on display at Constitution Hill from 24 November until 1 December